4 Days Post 3-Day Refresh

I have exciting news!!! Actually lots of exciting news!! The first is that I lost that pound again so I have been able to keep that loss of 6 pounds off my body! The second is that I finally found that burst of energy! Ever since Thursday I have been feeling so good. Making positive food choices, going on my daily runs, doing my Combat and sleeping really well. 

Third, I am now an Independent BeachBody Coach!! Woot woot! I have been drinking Shakeology since the beginning of May, learning to eat clean and now with the cleanse, I just feel so much better than I did at the start of the summer. I am ending this summer on such a high note. I am ready to share that good health with my friends and family!

Day 3 Post 3-Day Refresh

Whoo hoo!! So far I am only up 1 pound. I am super impressed with that. I honestly thought that I would regain at least half the weight I lost within a day or two. I am finally feeling some of that energy. I spent two hours last night scrubbing my kitchen. It looks fabulous, thank you very much! 

My energy may not be directed toward major exercising but we just moved into a new house so my focus has really been more on unpacking and getting things organized. 

That being said, I am considering signing up for Fleet Feet’s Half Marathon Training program this fall. I did it back in 2010 and it was a lot of fun! It’s a great way to stay motivated.

Day 3 Recap and 3-Day Refresh Results

Let me start by saying, I am an average gal. I weighed 162.5 when I started and I am 5’4″. I spent Nov 2010 –  Jan 2013 running 10 half marathons. I loved it! I am not a gym person. I do not love bootcamp style workouts. I took most of 2013 and all of this year off from running. Training for that long to run those races finally burned me out. I instantly gained about 12 lbs. At my peak performance as a runner I weighed 141 lbs.

I signed up as a Challenger with Alicia Tanner, a Beach Body Coach, in May. What I liked about her and the product I chose to work with is that when I made poor food choices, instead of only telling me what I was doing wrong, she would make positive suggestions.

I chose to do the Pump workout. I felt like I would stick to it the best. I LOVE it. I also love the Shakeology and I lost about 3 lbs from May to June using the products. So I decided to do the 3-Day Refresh to help kickstart my body. I am telling you about myself because I do not lose weight easily and I think it’s important to show normal results vs. hardcore fitness results.

That being said, I survived the 3 days. I use the word survive because it was hard. I had a headache on day 2 and day 3. And last night while I laid in bed trying to sleep, my husband could hear my stomach rumbling. It was so hard to fall asleep feeling so hungry! I never felt the energy that others have felt. All I felt was exhaustion.  The foods were delicious though!! The Coconut Veggies were my favorite and will be incorporated into my meal planning. I found the Fiber Sweep easy to drink and the Vanilla Fresh was absolutely delicious! It tasted like I put a birthday cupcake into the blender and drank it! YUM!

I learned to prepare my food ahead of time which is important in making good choices and I found some really great snack combinations that I will use in place of unhealthy choices. I also saw that I didn’t need to eat nearly as much at meals as I tend to.

Time for results – Today I weighed 156.5 lbs!! I lost a total of 6 lbs! I also lost 3 total inches off my body.  Woo hoo!!! So I am super thrilled with the results and I am going to work very hard to keep losing the weight and getting strong and healthy!!

Would I do it again? Absolutely. If I can keep this weight off and continue to get stronger, I would definitely do it again. If I gain it all back in 2 days than no, I probably wouldn’t. Stay Tuned!! I will let you know.


Day 2 Recap of my 3-Day Refresh

So this is going to be quick – Day 2 was very hard. I was hungry all day and I am not feeling the energy that many participants say they feel. Again, could be related to the unfortunate timing of starting my period at the same time. But needless to say I went to sleep at 5, woke up for dinner around 6 and went back to bed until 7:30 this morning. I felt exhausted. 

As far as the dinner choices, we had the Coconut Oil Mixed Veggies last night and it was absolutely delicious!!! I will be making that again asap, or I should say my sweet Chef Husband will be making us that again asap!! 🙂 

The Fiber sweep isn’t bad at all on Day 2. I knew what to expect and I drank it easily. The green tea is okay too. I am staying on target and looking for results after Day 3! I will let you know results tomorrow when I do my Day 3 Recap. If you have questions, post them and I will answer honestly.

Speaking of questions, someone asked me if I was spending my day on the golden throne. Surprisingly no. I really thought that a cleanse would force that but it has not. I do feel like a little old lady as I have to pee constantly but thats it. 

Drinking the 80 oz of water was not nearly as hard on Day 2 either because I was so stinking hungry!

Day 1 Recap of my 3-Day Refresh

Day One:

Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  It was hard to get all the water in but I think I did it by bedtime. The Vanilla Fresh is DELICIOUS! It seriously tastes like Birthday Cake to me. I love it!!! The Fiber Sweep is ok. It tastes like lemon but it’s sort of thick so it is difficult to get down. I chugged it as quickly as possible.

I feel pretty good so far. I was a little headachy last night but I think that’s because I chose Decaf Green Tea for the whole three days vs. a morning cup of caff. I admit, I am cheap and I didn’t want to buy a whole box for 1 bag. After day 1, you drink decaf.  I don’t normally drink green tea so I wasn’t sure I would like it. It’s pretty good, it tastes like unsweet black tea. My first glass I poured over ice. The second I drank hot.

For the ladies – I did begin my monthly joy yesterday afternoon so that sort of sucked. Probably another reason for the headache.

I have not felt that spurt of energy yet but I definitely feel really good about my food choices. This has reminded me that I can have healthy snacks. I am terrible about eating granola bars when I get hungry. This has reminded me how much I enjoy fruits and vegetables and how much better my body feels after eating them. I don’t have that bloated, I over indulged feeling!

My initial weigh in was 162.5. If you have an iPhone, get the free app, My Weight. It is great!!

I would post photos but for some reason wordpress is rejected all my images, check out my instagram for daily pics!! instagram/rocketliv.

3-Day Refresh from BeachBody

I have been eating clean for almost 2 months now, drinking my daily water and doing my beach body workouts. Granted, I don’t do 6 days but I will never be a 6 day workout person.

Have I lost weight? A few pounds. Inches? None that have made a difference in how my clothes fit. I will preface all this by saying I take two steroid inhalers every day to maintain my asthma. This probably isn’t helping. And I am also aware that not working out 6 days a week is probably part of the problem but I also want to be realistic. I want this to be a lifestyle change and 6 days just isn’t going to happen. Ever. If you’re reading this blog and you’re an average Josephine like myself, than you’re in for a treat!! If you are reading this and you already look like He-man, than you probably want to skip any advice I may offer.

That being said, I am going to do the 3-Day Refresh from Beachbody. I ordered it today and hope it arrives in the next week. 3-Day Refresh is supposed to bring a dramatic change that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel. All without starving!! I am super excited to try this product. I will be posting my measurements and progress over the 3 days as well as the days that follow for anyone that wants honest feedback!

Stay Tuned

